Scroll below the Contents to see how you can send in one of your reviews to us.

Not sure what to write in your review? Here are a few questions you can answer and put them in your review:
-What is the book about (be careful not to give away surprise endings!)?
- What is your favorite part of the book?
- Who is your favorite character and why?
- How would you have acted in the main characters' situation?
- What was special about the illustration?
- Which was your favorite illustration?
- Would you recommend this book to your friends and why?
These questions were offered as help by Kim McDougall

Katherine (6) and Sarah (4), along with the help of their mom, Cheryl, review
The Little Candy Breathing Dragons by Gloria Clark

The Squirrel, The Worm, and the Nut Trees by Jimmie Powell
Reviewed by Katherine and Sarah from Wilbraham, USA, along with the help of their mom, Cheryl.
Katherine is 6 and Sarah is 4 years-old.

Seven year old Hannah gives us yet another great review.

Seven year old Hannah from Canada brings a delightful review of David Weale's Three Tall Trees.

Title: The Amazing Days of Abby Hayes
~ That’s the Way the Cookie Crumbles
Written by: Anne Mazer
Child review by Hayley McDine, age

Want to find out what The Hairy Book is about? Well, then let 7 year old Genevieve Chatel tell you. Click on the cover
to read Genevieve's review.
Hello and welcome to the Musing Book Reviews by Kids.
Have you read a good book lately? What did you think of the newest Harry Potter book? We welcome your thoughts and invite
you to send us your review - you need to be under seventeen, sorry, no grownups here.
Our guidelines are quite simple and we'd love to have your children/students participating all year round. This will
not only encourage them to read, but to write and read their published review online.
We need you to help them send us the following:
- their first name
- their age and grade level
- city and country
- the title and author of the book they read
- their review - couldn't have a review site without reviews.
- email it to: -- Make sure to place KIDS REVIEW on the subject line.
That's it. Nice and easy.
We can't wait to read all the reviews to come our way.
Lea Schizas