Musing Our Children

The Squirrel, The Worm, and the Nut Trees reviewed by Katherine and Sarah

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The Squirrel, The Worm, and the Nut Trees by Jimmie Powell

Reviewed by Katherine and Sarah from Wilbraham, USA, along with the help of their mom, Cheryl. Katherine is 6 and Sarah is 4 years-old.

What is this book about?

Katherine:  Mr. Squirrel trying to get nuts for his family before Mr. Worm makes them rotten.

Sarah:  Mr. Squirrel’s family might go hungry because Mr. Worm makes the nuts rotten.

What are some of the parts you remember?

Katherine:  Mr. Worm is sneaky and mean.  The Squirrels went hungry.

Sarah:  The Squirrels collecting nuts and Mr. Worm’s silk webs making the nuts rotten.

What is your favorite part?

Katherine:  When Mr. Worm couldn’t figure out how Mr. Squirrel got all the nuts and that the Squirrels were happy in the tree.

Sarah:  That Mr. Worm didn’t notice the Squirrels picked the nuts early.  I liked Mr. Squirrel’s idea.

What can you tell us about the pictures?

Katherine:  They are very detailed.   I like how the title is printed on the cover and that Mr. Squirrel, Mr. Worm, and the trees are on the cover.

Sarah:  The pictures are bright and pretty.  I like the colors.

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